Monday, December 3, 2012


The boys had a great time at the annual K&S kid's holiday party. They both wrote out their lists to give to Santa and they were very precise with exactly what they wanted. This is the first year Charlie would talk to Santa and sit close to him so we're making progress. They also enjoyed the live music, face painting, balloon animals, decorating cupcakes and visiting with all of their old Treehouse friends which is the law firm daycare where they started as babies. Brian and I are a little sad that they are growing up so quickly but we're so thankful for the relationships they've made along the way.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cowboy Bennett

Bennett is really into dressing up but he's now morphing from Ninja's to Cowboys. He stayed home from school b/c we thought he was sick, but as you can see, he took the opportunity to dress up. Santa will be bringing cowboy boots for sure b/c Mommy needs her boots back!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Charlie's School

Charlie is really loving his new school and so are we. He is even adjusting to the tie! He is making lots of friends and his teachers say he is doing well in class. We were so concerned about holding him back a year for kindergarten but we are so thankful we did. He has matured and focused so much and it really shows.

We have also been lucky to find a great carpool family to save on our commute time. I love listening to Charlie and Tyler talk to each other in carpool line or sing the words to "call me maybe". It's so cute.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gobble Jog

Brian and I ran a race on Thanksgiving morning with our friends. It's an annual tradition in Marietta and may become our annual tradition too. We had so much fun and love our new long-sleeve t-shirts. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Charlie is a storm trooper and Bennett is a Ninja. Mom was told to hand out candy while Dad took them around the neighborhood. They hit twice as many houses this year and I think we'll have candy through the summer!

Monday, October 15, 2012

DragonCon parade

Every year in Atlanta there is a huge convention and parade dedicated to everyone who loves comic books, star wars, monsters, zombies, etc. These folks take it REALLY seriously and come to show off their costumes. We took the boys to the parade and even after arriving early, we still couldn't get a spot on the street. So we put the boys on our shoulders and they loved it. Brian and I will probably be crippled after this but it was really interesting to see.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Charlie's first day

He's a big boy now at a big school. I was worried about so many things but Charlie has really shown us how much he's grown and how independent he can be. I think our "helicopter" parenting style needs to be retired. Baby steps for mom and dad...