Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Easter bunny came to Natalie's house

Aunt Natalie and Ryan hosted Easter this year and the easter bunny left lots of eggs for the boys. Charlie really had a good time gathering as many as he could and Bennett learned how to open them and look for goodies. Charlie still asks about the eggs at "Natty's" house.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Charlie's first swim lesson

Charlie is taking swim lessons and we hope he will be able to do the butterfly when its over but I think we'll start with putting his face in the water and getting his hair wet. He hates doing both of these but after meeting Coach Cortez and the other kids, I think he'll be OK. His girlfriend Ashley will be in the next session with him next month which should help encourage him. He was just excited to wear his Lightning McQueen (or as he says "litenin mcKeen" swim trunks.

Mardi Gras

The firm hosted a Mardi Gras party for the Treehouse and it was HUGE! Let's just say Bourbon Street was re-located for an afternoon. There was a parade complete with floats and beads. The kids loved it and clearly all K&S employees in the West Peachtree location loved hosting the kiddies.

Got teeth, will use 'em

Bennett has tons of teeth now and loves to show off his new chomping abilities. He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. Charlie is not amused because usually his toys end up covered in drool. "Nasty Mommy!" Here is the Bennett eating pasta for the first time and he loved it. He is a big pasta fan now.


The 2 and 3 year olds at daycare had their annual prom party and this time the parents were invited. Charlie was decked out in his dress pants, vest and tie. He looked very dapper. Mom had a corsage and Charlie had a mini boutonniere. They even had a photographer, punch and music. It makes me wonder what it will be like at his real prom. I know... lots of time until we get there.