Sunday, July 12, 2009

Charlie's 3rd Birthday

We invited 20 kids and almost all 20 came so it's a good thing we decided to have the party at The Little Gym this year. Everyone had a ball and the coaches really did well entertaining the kids. Charlie had a race car cake and it was really good. Now that Bennett is walking, he was able to play in the gym and eat cake. Aunt Natalie and Aunt Ashley helped make sure he didn't get run over by the big kids. I can't believe I have a 3 year old!

Monday, July 6, 2009

First Dentist Appointments

Charlie and Bennett were very big boys today and went to the dentist. Luckliy Grammy was here to help out. There were lots of tears and screams but afterwards they got prizes so they were OK. Here are the before pictures. I couldn't get any pictures in the exam rooms because I was too busy holding them down :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Parade

Again this year we went to the Marietta 4th of July parade. It was hot but we stayed until the end. Charlie was only interested in fire trucks and police cars and Bennett was only interested in the spray bottle of water I brought. There was a giant procession of antebellum dresses - not sure why, but thought I'd share.