Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

decorating the boxes

must be perfect

done! time to fill them with cards.

Charlie's preschool class had fun decorating their shoeboxes for Valentines. As you can see, he was very serious about the decorating process. His cards had monster trucks on them (thanks Aunt Nat) and he handed out candy hearts too. I was worried (more Brian than me) that I went overboard on the valentine card and candy but when we picked up Charlie at the end of the day, his box was full or cards, candy, boxes of chocolates, pencils, stickers, tattoos -- the works! Needless to say, it is now his new favorite holiday.

He was also very excited to give his teachers flowers. I think he blushed. We all had a great day and Brian presented me with roses and chocolates. Now I need to eat them all before Lent.

Monday, February 1, 2010

lunch date

Lately, Brian and Charlie go to lunch by themselves. Big boy time. No bibs, no sippies and plenty of ketchup.