Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess. The preschool class made green eggs and ham, and actually ate it. Ew!

Do you remember playing this game? I also think its funny that they look like they are in a jail yard but it is pretty neat that their playground is amongst the skyscrapers of Atlanta.

Thanks Ryan for Charlie's crazy hat. It is a Davy Crocket coon hat. At first, he was scared of it and thought it was a real animal. But you can see from the picture, he is proud to show it off.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Treehouse had a Mardi Gras parade and all the kids dressed up for the occasion. They were showered with confetti, beads and moon pies. The parade winds through the halls of the building. They even make parade "floats" using boxes and carts from the mail room. It's lots of fun.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Today was Bennett's best day ever! He got to wash dolls with his classmates. He loves to wash his doll at home and proudly say "all clean".