Monday, November 1, 2010


We had the best time this year. The boys were all about the candy and their buckets were full. We actually ran out of candy this year. Charlie was spider man and Bennett was super man. They had a parade at school and a fall festival so they were very well prepped for the big night. Once we were home, Charlie wanted to know the names for each of his candy and Bennett was excited b/c he got playdough. (not a big sweets eater like Dad)

Little Henry went to a few houses with us too. super hero power!

Laura's 1st half marathon

I did it! 13.1 miles in 2:25. It was so nice seeing Brian and the boys at the finish line. I hope to do another so I can beat my time. I am not addicted to running and I don't think I would ever have the stamina to do a full but I am proud to have one under my belt. My inspiration was the Jacob Phelps Foundation and I hope I was able to raise money for them. Here is a picture after we got home with my medal. Then I took a hot bath and slept.