Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sarah doll makes a comeback!

When my sister and I were little, we received matching dolls as gifts. Somewhere along the way, they became known as Sarah dolls. Our good friends had the same dolls, so we all played with them together. They have seen better days. One is missing an arm and the other has sharpie "make-up" on her face. A while ago, we went to Nana's house and Bennett fell in love with his new Sarah doll. She has taken many trips with us and we always get looks. She is almost as big as Bennett and she wears 18 month sized clothes. It has been fun to see our childhood friend's kids playing with their Sarah dolls too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tennis lessons

This is the first time that both Charlie and Bennett can do a sport together. Technically, beacuse Bennett isn't 3 yet, he wasn't supposed to be allowed in the class but the coach agreed he was ready. They both enjoy it and Bennett is overjoyed to play with his big brother. He is so excited about his new racquet from Papa and Mimi. Even though it is a kid racquet, it is almost as big as he is but he seems to manage. Who knows, maybe we'll have the next Federer or Sampras in the making.

manly man tour

One of the Dad's from daycare does legal work for a rock quarry plant so they invited the boys in Charlie's class to check it out. Charlie loved the big trucks and all of the rocks. The highlight of the trip was being able to drive down to the bottom of the mine. Apparently, the other parents had smaller sports cars while Brian drove the minivan that day. So of course, it only made sense for Brian to drive everyone through the rocks and mud to the bottom. Brian was a bit nervous but the kids loved it. At the end, each kid got a rock, a hard hat and coloring book. Pretty cool tour!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Grammy Vicki and Poppy aka big poppy aka grandpa came for a visit. The boys got to spend the day at the aquarium with them. Yes, a bit ironic that they live in Honduras on one of the largest coral reefs in the world -- to visit an indoor aquarium. The boys had a ball and mommy and daddy were treated to yummy home-cooked meals, and a beer or wine waiting for us when we came home from work. I could definitely get used to that! Grammy and Poppy were also treated to snow while they were here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mardi Gras

Once again the law firm has embraced Mardi Gras and the kids were treated to a parade complete with floats (made out of boxes and carts), beads and moon pies. Charlie heard that treats were being handed out so he rode a float for a while with a giant grin on his face. (he's wearing the red coat) Anything having to do with candy will motivate that kid. Bennett, who is normally "not shy" and will try anything, decided he didn't like the parade and cried. Maybe next year.