Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bowling Field Trip

Mommy got to accompany Charlie on his field trip to Midtown Bowl. Every Wednesday is a field trip day and they've had amazing adventures this summer. They've been to the zoo, the Coca-Cola Museum, Stone Mountain and more. This was a special trip since Mommy went too. Charlie loves to hang out with the older kids and teach Bennett new words. He even requested we listen to Lady GaGa last night.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gymnastics Recital

All year, both boys have been taking gymnastics at school. We loaded up our cameras and video equipment and headed to the big end of year recital. The boys even had special gym shirts to wear. Unfortunately, I think Bennett had stage fright, because he didn't want to do much of the routine. He wanted to sit with his favorite teacher, Ms. Yolanda, and just watch his friends. Charlie did OK but we didn't witness any Olympic moments. All in all it was cute and the kids had fun. Maybe better video and pictures next year!

riding on the bus

With summer camp, comes field trips and riding on a school bus. Because Charlie is the youngest in the class, he has to wear a seat belt harness on the bus. Of course this is great news to Mom and Dad and as you can see, Charlie doesn't mind one bit. He is so excited.