Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mommy had to attend a conference in South Florida this year. Those mean lawyers made me work for 4 days. But I did get to stay at a fancy Ritz-Carlton and immediately began stealing the shampoos, pencils and chocolates left on my bed. Now, when the kids do homework, they can do it holding a fancy Ritz pencil.

This is also the first time I've seen a fish bar. Basically, there is a company that comes and sets up giant fish tanks and then sets a bar on top of it. Pretty cool. Too bad I couldn't take the fishies home on the plane.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

He looks sweet in this picture but...

Bennett has been in trouble at school for fighting. And he’s 3!!! The first incident was kind of funny and we thought “that kid will always be in the middle of it”. But now they are sending ‘Oh-No’ reports home and they have to be signed by a parent. His punishment included no tub toys for one night and all of his dress-up costumes were removed from his room for one night. I know this sounds like a light punishment but you would have thought I cut his arm off with the crying and fit he threw once he heard about his punishment. We hope this will keep him from fighting at school again. In the meantime, I smile at the other parents and hope their kid wasn’t the one who was involved.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Brian and I (well really just Brian) finished our taxes only to realize that we pay an ungodly amount of money for daycare. Without kids, we’d be rich and we both envisioned the trips we could take, or eating out at restaurants that don’t list prices. It was a fun few minutes of daydreaming but we wouldn’t trade it for our chaotic life with our amazing boys -- and their really expensive daycare.