Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Holidays to all our friends and family...

We'll be busy enjoying the Holidays soon...check back soon after Christmas and we'll have a bunch of info and pics for you. Charlie now knows that Santa will bring him Cars, Trains, and other Toys.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Little guys play date

Here are the newest heartbreakers. On the left is Henry Hughes aka Tank. Bennett is in the middle and Sam Stephens aka runnin' man is on the right. We had a great time power strolling on the Silver Comet Trail. Afterwards, the boys had a ball rolling and drooling on the couch.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Green Stuff

Bennett has started eating Peas. Huge milestone! He started rice cereal and handled that like a champ so his daycare teacher (Ms. Ollie) said we should try foods. First veggies, then fruits. He loves the peas so far but it surprised me when he spit up and it was green. Mommy's little monster. Now he wears a bib all the time.

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great day at the pumpkin patch. Or as Charlie says "punnkin pass". We got to pick pumpkins, take a hay ride and see animals. Bennett even got a little pumpkin for our front porch. I think Charlie will have fun this Halloween and might even understand the concept of trick-or-treating. We found boots at Target to complete his Fireman costume but they are red with Lightning McQueen on them. Anything CARS is a must-have item. He loves "Litnnnnn Makeen" and Mater. I can probably recite the entire movie. Just don't ask me what day it is....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trip to the Zoo and a Train Ride Too!

Charlie was in heaven this week with his first trip to the zoo. He really enjoyed the Monkeys (actually they were Gorillas) and Turtles, but nothing could have prepared him for his first train ride (Biggest Smile Ever!). I have a feeling zoo trips will be a regular occurence for us.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's official! Last night, Bennett moved up from Size 1-2 to Size 3 diapers. I know this may sound trivial but I really had a hard time accepting it. My little guy can't be this big... Brian must have bought the wrong ones... maybe he's just bloated....

The truth is that he is growing so fast and it makes me sad. I want to keep him my little guy forever - or at least a little longer. He rolls over and tries to babble at his big brother. Soon he's going to be asking for the keys to the car. I can't stand it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Recent Parties with Friends

Charlie and Bennett have been social butterflies of late. We've spent a wonderful afternoon with Megan, Stephanie Land's daughter of the Stephen, Merle and Mike Land Clan. Everyone was doing well and we had a blast running around the back yard.

Mirabelle and Brock had their 2 year birthday parties as well. Charlie got his first taste of a Hot Wheel car and hasn't looked back (he's not spent much time away from his newfound love lately). A few photos from the recent events are included.

Hello, Friends and Family

We have finally got a Blog set up to keep you all informed of our latest happenings. Things are starting to get back to normal for us. Bennett and Charlie are sleeping better and we are adjusting to life with 2 kids. The second child is definitely easier than the first, but we are finding new challenges all the time.

I'm going to be posting some old videos for those of you who haven't seen them yet. They're of Charlie only...Bennett's are coming very soon.
Recently we've had a few exciting adventures:

Bennett's Baptism was July 5, 2008 and was a beautiful ceremony.

Charlie's 2nd Birthday was July 12, 2008 and he had a couple of friends over to enjoy the event!

We went to our first Marietta Independence Day Parade! Charlie was not a huge fan of the extremely loud motorcycles, but he definitely can tell you want sound they make "Vroom...Vroom"