Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hello, Friends and Family

We have finally got a Blog set up to keep you all informed of our latest happenings. Things are starting to get back to normal for us. Bennett and Charlie are sleeping better and we are adjusting to life with 2 kids. The second child is definitely easier than the first, but we are finding new challenges all the time.

I'm going to be posting some old videos for those of you who haven't seen them yet. They're of Charlie only...Bennett's are coming very soon.
Recently we've had a few exciting adventures:

Bennett's Baptism was July 5, 2008 and was a beautiful ceremony.

Charlie's 2nd Birthday was July 12, 2008 and he had a couple of friends over to enjoy the event!

We went to our first Marietta Independence Day Parade! Charlie was not a huge fan of the extremely loud motorcycles, but he definitely can tell you want sound they make "Vroom...Vroom"

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