Friday, July 22, 2011

Charlie's 5th birthday

No birthday in our house is ever celebrated with just one party. We like to make week long parties with different themes, etc. So we knew that with 5 being such a big milestone, we had to do it big. Charlie's actual birthday - the 12th - was on a Tuesday. I snuck around the night before applying balloons and posters to tomato stakes. The next morning, I woke up early and set them out in the yard. When he woke up, we told him to look outside and he was so impressed that the 'neighbors' decorated his yard. I get no credit but that's OK.

At school, he had a class party and brought jello to share with his friends. It was a big hit and Bennett was able to come to the big kid room and share with his brother. All of Charlie's classmates made him cards, and 2 girls in the class drew hearts on their cards but he insists he doesn't have a girlfriend.

For dinner, we had all of his favorites - watermelon, hot dog and pizza complete with a juice box. More parties and pictures to come.

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